
(Kiss #30 kiss )

“Um, Jounouchi,” there was a short pause, a long moment for taking a deep breath to spill the rest of what was on the other’s mind. “What’s it like kissing Kaiba?”

To say that the blond was surprised at this question would have been an understatement. If Otogi had asked, it might have been expected although only slightly less than him asking what it was like fucking Kaiba. Either question would have the same answer, Jounouchi’s fist in Otogi's face. Had Honda asked, he would have come up with a rather rude answer along with the fist. However, the question came from Yugi and therefore deserved a somewhat honest answer; it was just difficult to find an answer.

After all, he thought, it wasn’t as if it was always the same. There was their first kiss for instance. He couldn't tell Yugi the whole truth about that one considering it hadn’t come until two months after he and Kaiba had already participated in other relationship type situations. Yugi would understand and Jounouchi wasn’t going to be the one to break that layer of innocence in his friend. It wasn’t even a worthwhile remembrance in any case having only take place after Mokuba had chastised Kaiba for not kissing his boyfriend good night before he left. It was simple, quick and landed somewhere off to the side of his lips. A glare aimed, not at Mokuba but the blond, as if he were at fault had accompanied it. Of course, in Kaiba logic since he had been the one to be seen by Mokuba, it was his fault. For Kaiba it wasn’t a bad kiss for a start, it was rather well, Kaibaish actually--harsh, confusing and hard.

They’ve became better after that. Usually they still didn’t kiss, preferring the other intricacies of their relationship. However, the times when they do now are rather soul shattering. Kaiba surprises him, slamming him up against the wall wherever they may be at the moment and it’s confusing as hell as he never expects it. And still, with Kaiba it’s always hard (as is Kaiba), forced, hungry, and they both end up weak in the knees winding up on the floor with hands traveling under clothing, over skin, buttons and belts and other things undone before they both come undone.

It’s fantastic.

Then there are the rarer kisses for either of them, the softer gentler moments when that’s all that counts. When Shizuka called to tell him, she couldn’t come to visit over the summer as they had planned all year long. After Mokuba had left for the States for a couple of months standing in for Kaiba during a couple of critical takeover meetings since he had been stuck involved in the same in Domino. Just when there was no one else but each other. Those are confusing as hell since it is terribly odd to see Kaiba like that, lost and in need of reminding he’s still human no matter how many times he tries to deny it. Yet, they are just right.

How do you explain all of that to someone else, he didn’t know. He wasn’t sure it was possible to explain the depth of that truth. “What’s it like kissing Kaiba?” Looking into Yugi’s eyes he sighed, “It’s like home--no where else I’d ever want to be.”